ISO 27001 Audits Made Easy…Sort Of

ISO27001 Audit learnings

Our clients pay us to give them good security advice. And there is nothing like taking your own advice and seeing how well that goes. So, a couple of years ago we decided to eat our own dog-food and go for ISO 27001 certification. This is an internationally recognised way to demonstrate that you have good security. We’ve recommended it to a number of our customers, and we’ve helped several gain it. 

We had several things we wanted to achieve with this:

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Extreme makeover – ISO/IEC 27002:2022 Edition

ISO/IEC 27002 has been updated in 2022. So, what’s changed?

This international standard of generic information security controls is widely used across the information security community as a benchmark for implementing good security practices, and has been largely unchanged since 2013. However, earlier this year the updated standard has had more than a facelift – it’s had a full makeover. Fundamentally there are three main changes, which I’ll go into. Read More

ISO Blog Series Part 4: Road to ISO27001 – Document, Document and More Documenting

If you have been reading our blog series you will be following our journey to becoming ISO 27001 certified, which we achieved in February this year! In Part 3 we discussed how we utilised lockdown to get our advantage with some extra time on our hands. At that stage in our ISO journey, our ISMS was running with a high level of governance, however, it was not yet ready to get us ISO certified. There were still some pieces we needed to complete to get us over the line to achieve ISO 27001 certification. Let’s take a close look at the next stage we took on our journey to become ISO certified – one which involved a fair bit of documenting!

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ISO Blog Series Part 3: Road to ISO 27001 – Lockdown, a lucky break!

If you have been following our ISO 27001 blog series you will know that Axenic is now officially ISO 27001 certified! The team is extremely excited about this accomplishment, however, the journey to becoming certified has not been easy. We are going to continue talking you through our journey to certification and Part 3 discusses our lockdown experiences and how we used this to our advantage.

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ISO Blog Series Part 2: ISMS The Planning Stage what is involved

At the end of 2019, Axenic’s leadership team agreed to implement our strategy to achieve ISO 27001 certification. This took the form of setting aside resources to spend time on designing and implementing our Information Security Management System (ISMS). In this blog series, we will be taking you through Axenic’s journey to certification – to catch up on Part One of the series click here. In our second blog of the Axenic ISO 27001 certification journey, we take a look at the planning stage and what was involved in this important step.

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ISO Blog Series Part 1: ISO 27001 Certification Announcement

Last week was an exciting week for the Axenic team with some big news. We are extremely proud that we achieved the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification and we don’t underestimate what a huge accomplishment this is for our business and importantly – our customers. Information security is at the core of what we do at Axenic, and we wanted to practice what we preach. You may be interested in getting ISO/IEC:2013 27001 certification for your organisation – read on to find out why we went through this process and what it means for our clients.

ISO 27001 Certification

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