On Scooters and Stale Audits

Bear with me for a bit. When my son started intermediate school he wanted to scoot there. He had a flash scooter, so we got him a padlock and insisted he use it. Over the next few weeks we checked that this was happening. 6 months later we discovered that his padlock had seized up and he couldn’t use it. I reached for that old NZ standby – CRC – and got it working again.

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2021 Volunteer Leave Program

As we welcome in 2022 with the team starting back this week, we thought we’d take a look back on 2021 and share our team volunteer work program.  One of the Axenic employee benefits we are most proud of is our Employee Volunteer Leave program.  This provides the Axenic team with the opportunity to develop their skills and most importantly – give back to our community. In our first blog for 2022, we thought we’d take the opportunity to highlight some of the activities the team has been up to throughout 2021.

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ISO Blog Series Part 5: Road to ISO27001 – The Approval Stage

If you have been following our ISO Blog Series you would have seen that in Part 4 we talked about the documentation stage we took during lockdown. At this stage of the game, we had a lot of documents that had been reviewed by our ISSG. We had also received valuable feedback from the Axenic team members. The ISMS documents we had after stage four were now ready to inform our first set of final documents. Read More