ISO 27001 Audits Made Easy…Sort Of

ISO27001 Audit learnings

Our clients pay us to give them good security advice. And there is nothing like taking your own advice and seeing how well that goes. So, a couple of years ago we decided to eat our own dog-food and go for ISO 27001 certification. This is an internationally recognised way to demonstrate that you have good security. We’ve recommended it to a number of our customers, and we’ve helped several gain it. 

We had several things we wanted to achieve with this:

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On Scooters and Stale Audits

Bear with me for a bit. When my son started intermediate school he wanted to scoot there. He had a flash scooter, so we got him a padlock and insisted he use it. Over the next few weeks we checked that this was happening. 6 months later we discovered that his padlock had seized up and he couldn’t use it. I reached for that old NZ standby – CRC – and got it working again.

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The top 5 ways to get the most out of your next security audit

Over the past few years, I’ve led and been involved in many security audits on both sides of the table, which has helped me develop some insights worth sharing. Sometimes these auditing engagements are seen as something to just get through, however, there were a few organisations which really made the most of the exercise and applied the impartial information learned to gain a more accurate understanding of their real risk exposure. After all, that is the primary reason for performing these assurance activities, isn’t it? To ensure the implementation of the most relevant controls, for managing the highest rated risks, occurs within resourcing and budgetary constraints.

So, how can you ensure your organisation gets the most out of its next security audit? Here are my top 5 recommendations: Read More