When Chris Blunt and I started Axenic back in 2009, John Key was Prime Minister, Barack Obama had just become President of the USA and told Benjamin Netanyahu that he should freeze settlement construction in Gaza to enable movement towards a two-state solution, and a Royal Commission recommended that the 8 Auckland region local government bodies merge to form a “supercity”.
Author: Jim
Farewell Chris Blunt
Axenic Charity Support – Karunai Illam Trust
At Axenic we are proud to have been able to support and donate to the Karunai Illam Trust for several years now. Axenic’s association originally started with Axenic staff Jim Shaw and Jo Coffey supporting the children’s home in India with both time and money. Over the years Axenic’s support has included a photographic exhibition at The Mahara Gallery in Waikanae and the “cleaning” and donation of much-needed laptops to the Trust. Our most recent support has gone towards furnishing the boys’ hostel within the new Illam complex where the children live outside the school day.
10 Samsung Galaxies Ago Axenic turned information security on its head
Do the right thing with your unwanted devices – and their data!
Secure wiping of devices and media during their disposal processes is a standard security control that we recommend to our clients. There have been a number of examples of how failure to wipe hard drives prior to disposal has resulted in embarrassment to individuals or organisations.