Axenic announces new product offering – substantial security improvement for Government agencies!

Axenic is proud to announce our new product offering which will substantially improve security at government agencies!

Government agencies have been telling us for years that they have struggled to implement the cable colour standards in the NZISM. Hampered by the fact that they don’t own the data centres, that it is hard to discover which cables are carrying which traffic, and that many of the data centres are overseas – agencies have given up. No longer! 

Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and the latest chromatic technology, Axenic has developed a system that will auto-detect the colour of cables in your data centre. Allowing you to check your compliance against the NZISM cable colouring requirements. “Every government agency is required to check that the colour of their cables comply with the NZISM, but until now they’ve been unable to do that.” Terry Chapman, Managing Director

Axenic Chief Product Officer Ahmed El Ashmawy explains: “We use quantum computing to detect quantum entanglement between the electrical signals on copper wires and the refracted electromagnetic waves from coloured cable sheaths. We then use specially-trained machine learning models to distinguish the different colours.”

The security of our customers’ data is paramount to Axenic. Mindful of data sovereignty requirements, all agency data will be downloaded to a PC under Michael’s desk. For extra security, the results of the auto-discovery are posted to the Ethereum blockchain as a Non Fungible Token. 

Making such an innovative product was not without its challenges, however. “The biggest problem that we faced was getting the machine learning models to distinguish between puce and purple.” Stated Axenic Chief Fashion Officer Lisa “Desigual” Zannino.

“This will be a quantum leap forward in NZISM compliance,” says Terry Chapman, Managing Director. “By quantum leap, I mean really big, not really small.” he clarified.

Look out for further innovations in colour compliance from Axenic. Later this year Axenic will be releasing a version for the private sector which will check if your cable colours adhere to your corporate branding guidelines.