Graduate Enters the ‘Real World’

My name is Camille. I’m 23 years old and I recently graduated from Victoria University of Wellington with a Bachelor of Commerce with a Major in Information Systems.

I consider myself lucky that I got a ‘job job’ (a word I define as a job in the industry you spend years at university aspiring to get) shortly after university. I consider myself luckier that I got a job at Axenic. Information Security was always an interest of mine at university and I’m happy I chose to pursue it.

Being on casual or part time contracts for the past 6 years of my career, I didn’t know how I was going to feel about being in the workforce. I wasn’t thrilled about 40-hour weeks or only being confined to 4 weeks of holiday in a year.

I also had one singular expectation of working in the IT industry: that I would be one of 50 interns in a large corporate world fighting a vicious battle to be noticed. This is not my reality at all.

I learned very quickly that being in a small team of people who really know what they are doing is the ideal combination to get proper mentorship and the opportunity to be part of many different projects contributing and creating value. I am noticed and recognised for the work that I do. I know that not every graduate is given this opportunity.

All up the top 4 things I have learned in my last four months of employment that I think graduates need to be aware of:

  • Theory never prepares you for practicality. Always be prepared to learn new things. I learn new things every day.
  • There are no dumb questions. There are only questions. You’re a graduate. You are not expected to know everything, you are expected to learn. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Take every opportunity you’re offered, even if it seems scary and tough.
  • Create opportunities and show initiative.