Tips for keeping your sanity WHILE working from home!

There is no shortage of tips, blogs, etc being published at the moment that are offering well-meaning advice for working from home.  We like to think a bit differently here at Axenic and the following blog post from Axenic Senior Consultant Tory Young is not another one of those.  Instead Tory has generously shared his experiences of working from home over the years and some of the more creative ways he has kept his sanity, productivity and most importantly – his work-life balance while working from home.

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Being cyber secure when working from home

In response to the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, many New Zealanders are figuring out how to effectively work from home. However, we know this will cause some security challenges for many businesses and individuals, so we have prepared some handy tips to help make your home safer and better protected from cybersecurity threats.

working from home securely

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