Archer Continuous Assurance September Release

In September, we released an updated version of the Axenic Archer Continuous Assurance service. This service is being regularly updated and enhanced to ensure a high-quality and seamless user experience. These will be a regular occurrence and we will update the main changes here, ensuring that the solution is not only a continuous assurance product, it is also continually improving and innovating. Read on to find out all the latest release details and functions of the Archer Continuous Assurance product.

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2022 for Face to Face conferences, maybe?

All going well, by this stage in November we would have been sitting back reflecting on another wonderful Kawaiicon event.  As in previous years, the whole Axenic team was looking forward to attending it.  However, Kawaiicon 2021 was unfortunately postponed until mid 2022. Just like many events this year, the organisers had to make the tough call of postponing for public health reasons.

In lieu of that, we thought we would pull together a shortlist of some virtual conference material that you can check out instead – it should help feed your cybersecurity knowledge hunger!

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Axenic has moved – and we share some key learnings…

It is official! The Axenic team has moved offices. We are excited to have settled into our new space which is now located on level 7, 44 Victoria Street Wellington. Over the last year at Axenic our team has been growing and we needed some more space. It feels like a while ago when we said farewell to the old office and packed up back on Saturday 15th February. A lot has changed since then including a stint at home for all of us during Covid-19 Level 4 and 3 restrictions.  However we are happy to be back in our new space, it has 3 large meeting rooms, a decent boardroom, not to mention the central CBD location. Moving is an exciting change and sometimes we forget the importance of security when the move-in day arrives. In this blog we discuss building security and other important considerations when moving offices.

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Being cyber secure when working from home

In response to the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, many New Zealanders are figuring out how to effectively work from home. However, we know this will cause some security challenges for many businesses and individuals, so we have prepared some handy tips to help make your home safer and better protected from cybersecurity threats.

working from home securely

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Top Talks at COSAC – Sydney, December 2018

Last week Michael Price, Ahmed ElAshmawy and Chris Blunt from Axenic were fortunate enough to make the trip across the Tasman to Sydney for the 2nd annual COSAC APAC Security Conference.  All 3 had the chance to speak to the attendees and without any bias, Michael shares his take on the Top Talk and some other notable mentions.

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Remember Your Security ABCs help everyday people be safer online.

In the information security industry, we are provided plenty of top-lists and guidance that help us identify information security threats, and determine security controls to mitigate these threats.

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