2022 for Face to Face conferences, maybe?

All going well, by this stage in November we would have been sitting back reflecting on another wonderful Kawaiicon event.  As in previous years, the whole Axenic team was looking forward to attending it.  However, Kawaiicon 2021 was unfortunately postponed until mid 2022. Just like many events this year, the organisers had to make the tough call of postponing for public health reasons.

In lieu of that, we thought we would pull together a shortlist of some virtual conference material that you can check out instead – it should help feed your cybersecurity knowledge hunger!

  • Christchurch hackers conference (CHCon) just wrapped up earlier this month – packed with local kiwi content and talent.
  • CrikeyConA good friend of Kiwicon/Kawaiicon 🐨
  • BSides Canberra 2021. Don’t let the proximity to government spooks put you off!
  • Everyone knows about DEFCON. DEFCON29 was this year so go check out the village talks that interest you.
  • COSAC. A favourite for some of the team at Axenic, delivered as COSAC Connect. (see if you spot a familiar face 😉).

While of course, it’s not the same as catching up with friends and colleagues old and new at these types of events, it is great to see that people are adapting and there is still plenty of virtual conferences and events to connect with.  See how you go with working your way through our list above.  If you’re hanging out for some face-to-face conferencing you might want to consider putting the upcoming Risk NZ Risk and Resilience Summit and Excellence Awards event in your diary – 30/31 March 2022.

We’re always on the lookout for more industry events to explore, if you have any others that you’d like to share, drop us a line.