Archer Continuous Assurance September Release

In September, we released an updated version of the Axenic Archer Continuous Assurance service. This service is being regularly updated and enhanced to ensure a high-quality and seamless user experience. These will be a regular occurrence and we will update the main changes here, ensuring that the solution is not only a continuous assurance product, it is also continually improving and innovating. Read on to find out all the latest release details and functions of the Archer Continuous Assurance product.

September release update

The September Archer release was significant for us as we onboard our early adopters and founding customers. A brief summary of the latest features and improvements :

  • Archer UI Enhancements Addon – Archer’s latest improvements to the web interface; style, fonts, and objects.
  • Axenic UX improvements – layout adjustments to make the product easier to use and improve the overall user experience.
  • Enterprise Controls – the latest release includes the ability to manage enterprise-level controls.
  • Workflow improvements – continued workflow improvements to meet the needs of our customers.
  • Other various housekeeping and bug fixes to ensure a quality product.

Learn More

Learn more about the Axenic Archer Continuous Assurance product here, including details about PCI compliance, risk assessment & management, and audit management.

Contact the Axenic team if you have any questions on the latest release of the Axenic Archer Continuous Assurance solution.