Remember Your Security ABCs help everyday people be safer online.

In the information security industry, we are provided plenty of top-lists and guidance that help us identify information security threats, and determine security controls to mitigate these threats.

This includes popular resources such as:

However, there seems to be a lack of memorable security guidance for everyday people who use computing devices and the Internet. Not only that, most of the guidance hasn’t changed in the last 5 to 10 years and typically relates to the complexity of passwords or using anti-virus software. In addition to this, the guidance can often be impractical and prevent the device from being usable, so people just ignore it.

That’s why we created the following – as a small step to help everyday people be safer online, while being easy to achieve. It’s a simple phrase “Remember your Security ABCs”.

“Remember your Security ABCs”

 Creative Commons Licence

A is for Auto-update
Turning on automatic updates for your software will massively reduce the likelihood of being compromised by malicious attackers, malware and viruses.

B is for Backup
Because we all make mistakes and we can all get a bit lazy. People accidentally delete files, spill drinks on devices, and click on buttons or links – but you don’t need to lose your information because of it. Whether it’s a traditional backup on an external USB device, or being resilient with a cloud storage service, have a Plan B.

C is for Controlled Access
When using devices and online services, use modern, convenient and strong access controls. Fingerprint sensors are brilliant for controlling access to personal devices, a good password manager makes creating and remembering passwords a breeze, and adding multi-factor authentication is the best for protecting the accounts you really care about.

For everyday people these three tips will go a long way to improving their security hygiene. It will encourage a set of good security behaviours, through some easily achievable practises, that can be built upon in the future.

Special Note: we have licensed the tips CC BY-SA – so that everyone can use them, adapt them, and take these tips further.