SEI Incident Handling Training

It is too late to start figuring out what to do when a cyber security incident occurs. If your organisation has not thought about how to identify a significant incident, who needs to be involved and what steps it needs to take to resolve the incident then it is likely to struggle to bring the incident to a timely resolution.

Axenic Ltd, an SEI accredited training partner, is offering three of the SEI training courses in Wellington in August 2016. The knowledge imparted during these courses is fundamental to organisations that have an interest in being able to plan for and manage information security incidents when they occur.

The creation and management of incident response teams, and the detailed planning for what the teams need to do before, during and after a security incident have been formalised by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and are presented in a series of classroom training sessions.

Axenic’s trainers have been involved in creating and operating CSIRT teams at the national level overseas. This experience is now available in New Zealand.

The courses Axenic is offering are:

  • Creating a Computer Security Incident Response Team (1 day on the 9th August),
  • Managing a Computer Security Incident Response Team (3 days from 10th – 12th August), and
  • Fundamentals of Incident Management (5 days from 15th – 19th August).

See our training page for more details about our CSIRT courses or contact us to enquire about a course.