Privacy Reloaded

The new Privacy Act comes into effect today  (1st of December 2020) so it’s a great time to make sure you understand your new obligations. Being on top of these changes allows you to remain compliant and do the right thing by the people you hold data on. So we’d like to remind you about some tools and resources we’ve found useful.

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Demystifying GDPR myths and grey areas

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been the buzz word that is causing media hype and organisations across the globe. You can find myths and misconceptions around GDPR more than you can find factual information. This blog post will address some of the key myths that we have found.

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Privacy by Design

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner recently implemented an incentive called the “Privacy Trust Mark”, which is an accreditation given to organisations/agencies who demonstrate excellent privacy standards for a specific product, service or process. The OPC is assessing the applications based on the 7 principles of ‘Privacy by Design’ that were created by Dr Ann Cavoukian (Information & Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada). This is a brief run through in case you believe your organisation is up for the challenge.

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Who cares about unique identifiers?

Almost everyone has been on the receiving end of a request to provide photo identification (most commonly a drivers’ licence or a passport) when applying for a bank account, or purchasing a new mobile phone, or some similar account-based transaction. The person making the request typically either writes down the details of the document or photocopies it. But there is one piece of information that should not be captured unless there is a legitimate reason to – the unique identifier.
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